Sunday, February 10, 2013

Route 66 and Vintage Travel Poster Quilts

While I am playing catchup from not posting for almost a year, I will add this quilt which was part of a group project with my Thursday night group. Several of our members suggested that we do Route 66 quilts as a group challenge. We tried to choose images which represented states along the entire length of the famous highway.

I chose this filling station, which is in McLean Texas. It was built in the twenties, and is the first Phillips 66 station built. It is said to be the most photographed filling station along the route...

I wish I had chosen a different photograph, one in which the building was at an angle, instead of straight on. However, I was able to rescue it with the station wagon, and the paving out front... Check out the little thread-painted bicycle on the left - my first experience with Solvy.

It will be displayed with about 14 of our group's quilts at Quilters Day Out, on March 9, in Louisville...

Here is another quilt which I referred to months ago, but it was not far enough along to post a photo. I was part of another group project, to make quilts based on vintage travel photos. Initially, the quilts were going to be entered in the AQS show at Grand Rapids. Then two in the group dropped out. We added two new members, but eventually, the group effort fizzled. I had trouble with the quilting, and decided that my work was not good enough quality for the show. 

However,  I really am pleased with the quilt in general. I simplified the image, and omitted some of the figures on the beach. I like the Art Deco feel of the quilt, and I love the colors. It is the first time I have worked with solids, or near solids, and I enjoyed the challenge of the quilting. The quilt is 36" x 48", which is why I had trouble with the quilting...

                                                Based on a travel poster by Roger Broders

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