Saturday, July 23, 2011

Do Unto Others

I stepped out into a very hot morning, and was greeted by this adorable little mutt, who appeared to be a beagle/border collie mix.

Because of the heat, he was very thirsty, and I gave him water and some food.

He seemed very well behaved, and looked healthy.

I thought he must have run away, because he had ID tags on his collar. So I began making telephone calls to the number on the ID tag, and found that the listed owner lived way out in Okolona.

So I put him in my back yard, and drove out to Okolona, hoping to find his owner. The people listed were at home, but had given him away two years ago, so I was back to square one.

I then came home and called the Humane Society number, and tried to trace the owner through his rabies tag number.

That finally led me to another telephone number, so after one more call, I finally tracked down his current owner, who was VERY glad to be reunited with him.

Years ago, when I had golden retrievers, they escaped our fenced yard a couple of times, and I was very glad that other people helped me get them back home. So today, I was glad to spend the time, to get this cute little guy safely back home.

I was also very grateful that the Humane Society was so helpful in providing me with the information I needed to find his owner.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Art on a Hubcap

Since spring of 2010, I have been working, then volunteering at the Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft. I love the atmosphere there, and I enjoy the people I meet. The people who work there are all interesting individuals, and not a day goes by that I don't meet an interesting artist or visitor.

They have a variety of exhibits through the year, and there are several events that they repeat every year. One is the Art Car Weekend.

This year it is the first weekend in August. They have a drive-in movie at the WaterFront, and parades of art cars from all over the United States. A new added feature this year is a display of artist-decorated hubcaps.

They invited all their regular artists to embellish a hubcap for the display, and they are hoping to get 100 entries. This is the tenth year of the Art Car weekend, and they want a 10 x 10 display. I agreed to embellish a hubcap, and found a plastic one at a shop on Preston Highway for $5. They also had a few at the Museum to hand out, and I took one for a second idea I had.

For the first one shown here, I simply cut my Sunbonnet Sue quilt into a circular shape and glued it onto the hubcap. I will put a black cord around the edge before I turn it in. Since it shows a car with hubcaps, I thought it would help them complete their goal of 100.

My second one, however, was more involved. I decided to do one of my birds with hundreds of feathers applied one at a time. I chose some of my favorite batiks, and cut feathers for a fat hen.
I left an area of the hubcap visible at the bottom, behind her feet. Although I usually use fusible for applying feathers, I used glue for most of this. It would not be my adhesive of choice, although it works well. I used FabriTak, which "bites" the fabric right away, and dries quickly. However, I tend to work quickly, and it got a little messy.

I am happy with the way it turned out.

I always like it when artists work from a common theme. It is fun to see the results, in fabric, paint, clay, glass, wood, etc. I reminds me of the "Heart" project we worked on two years ago for a charity auction. The variety of expressions was really fun.

I will try to get a photo of all the hubcaps in early August. If you are in Louisville, be sure to visit the Museum at 715 West Main Street.

Friday August 5 is a good day to see the Art Cars.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What's Your Pet Peeve?

I really enjoy the challenges we get in our Monday night group.

The one this month is to do a small quilt depicting one of your "pet peeves."

I am sure I share this peeve with you - drivers who are distracted by their conversation on their cell phone...

Yes, I am also sure that we have all been guilty once or twice. Even Sunbonnet Sue , out for a spin in her red Mazda Miata, is on the phone (talking to Overalls Bill?)

This was fun to do. I used it for more practice on free-motion quilting, and managed to use several of my metallic-like fabrics on the wheel, door handle, and the phone... I also used vinyl for the windshield...

I also tried out the monogram feature on my new machine, and it worked the first time!

Now, I will get back to my bigger pieces...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Finished a UFB (unfinished bargello)

One of the things I enjoy doing in the summer is to finish unfinished projects. They tend to be small projects, with just a few hours of work to finish them up.

This small bargello is the fourth of four I did with the same fabrics, several years ago.

I used eighteen fabrics, which is more that I usually do on bargellos, and I included some of my favorite fabrics that I had been "hoarding."

I appliqued a couple of faces of Japanese ladies, just to add a little texture to the piece.

I am also including a photo of another bargello in the group, and a couple of details from the other two.

As I have said before, I absolutely LOVE doing bargello quilts, and have been collecting lime green and black fabrics for my next one. I have done so many, that I actually find it relaxing to work on them. I love designing them, and no two are alike.