Monday, October 19, 2009

Progress on the Fractured Quilt

Tonight was the moment of truth for our "fractured" quilt. 

Our Monday night quilt group met, and
everyone in my group had finished her section for our barn quilt. It was pretty exciting when we all laid down our sections, and saw how well the piece came together.

This photo isn't excellent, but you can see how well the pieces mesh. The differences in color just add interest, in my opinion, but all in all, I think the piece really works.

Now, our challenge is to decide how to hang the piece(s).

For the time being, we are just going to mount them on a black background, and it will hang during November at the Forget Me Knot Quilt Shop, where our Monday night meetings are held.

Then we will decide on a more permanent method of displaying it.

We have talked about driftwood, antique farm implements, and straight twigs. I'll post an update, as we decide how to display it.

 In the meantime, why don't you stop by the shop (in the Mid-City Mall), and take a look. You might even want to buy some fabric while you are there!



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