While I was browsing the web, looking for references to bargello, I came across a most curious reference - a woman who got a master's degree in computer science, coming up with a computer program to design bargello quilts.
It was a VERY complicated system, with "rasters" and algorithms, and complicated equations and splines and technical drawings that were very impressive. I do have a mathematics background, and could see what she was doing, but I couldn't see WHY.
In the 11 years I have been making quilts, I have designed and made dozens of bargello quilts. Making the drawings on graph paper, which her system was designed to avoid, is one of the fun parts of the process. Yes , I have to use an eraser occasionally, but it is the challenge that I ENJOY.
She even computerized the fun process of the fabric selection. That is the other part of the process that I find absolutely delightful!
I am including the link to her thesis; the entire thesis is quoted. I admire her scholarliness, and I am glad she earned a master's degree with her work. I hope she finds as much joy in creating bargello quilts as I do.
I would be very interested in hearing any comments from people who have used computer programs to design quilts.